L/C Magnetics Inc. collaborates with other US transformer manufacturers to offer a comprehensive solution to your transformer repair and maintenance requirements. We offer emergency and non-emergency repairs of transformers and power supplies.  We will evaluate your unit. Then our engineers will electrically and mechanically enhance it before beginning the repair. This engineering review will help give the repaired unit a longer life. Our division designs and builds transformers.  Our division designs and builds rectifiers. Our division  uses the transformers and rectifiers for in-house CHLORCEHCO systems.

Our Repaired Transformers should last a long time. This is because our redesign eliminates original design weaknesses that caused the transformer to fail. We will do more than simply copy the original design. Transformer rewinding and repair work requires design engineers with a high level of experience. We have a full-time engineering staff that specializes in transformer and rectifier design. Our engineers consider and evaluate: winding design, mechanical clamping, insulation systems, harmonics,core-steel and environment.  Our retrofit units will be designed to out-perform your original units.


The photo of the transformers that we serve is shown below:





















To discuss your specific application, please call our phone number at (714) 624-4740, or send us an email at

Celebrating 35 years in business

Send us an email for a Free Quote.

Tel: (714) 624 4740

Our engineers will respond within the hour.


L/C Magnetics Inc. is a manufacturer, re-seller and distributor of transformer products from 0.1 KVA to 50 MVA, dry type


Our CEHCO division ( builds DC Rectifiers, Transformer Rectifier Assemblies and Custom Power Supplies.


We are REPLACEMENT Transformer Specialists


We are OBSOLETE Transformer Specialists


We are URGENT Transformer Specialists


How can we help?

L/C Magnetics Team, celebrating 35 years in business