L/C Magnetics is a Multi Tap Gapped Inductor Manufacturer. Our custom designed Multi Tap Gapped Inductors are suitable for inrush Current Applications, Current Limiting Applications and AC and DC Filter Applications. All our Multi Tap Gapped Inductors are custom built to order. Please note that our inductors are not air gapped inductors. The gap is filled with a suitable insulation material. The Current range of the gapped inductors is from 10 Amps to 3000 Amps and inductance values range is from 10 uH to 2 H. We can offer gapped inductors as open core and coil units, encapsulated units or NEMA enclosure units. Parts are listed in increasing order of inductance. The inductance of the gapped inductor is inversely proportional to the gap. Reducing the gap increases the inductance value.
We are REPLACEMENT Inductor Specialists
We are OBSOLETE Inductor Specialists
We are URGENT Inductor Specialists